Crystal clear sound of world poetry at SNG Café Berlinka!

Ars Poetica International Poetry Festival 2018 will present a concert by two stars of contemporary sound poetry – Hannah Silva (Great Britain) and Tomomi Adachi (Japan).

The second day of the festival Ars Poetica 2018 will present audiences with a selection of the best of world poetry. On Friday, November 16, 2018, SNG Café Berlinka will host performances by Martin Poch (Czech Republic), Jana Beňová (Slovakia), Luke Roberts (Great Britain), Olivier Brossard (France), Renate Aichinger (Austria), Bruno Doucey (France) and Endre Szkárosi (Hungary). The highlight of the evening will be a sound poetry performance by Hannah Silva (Great Britain) and Tomomi Adachi (Japan).

The duo of artists creates using their voices, electronic instruments and gestures. They combine sound poetry with spoken word, technology and experimental music. The intensive vocal expression often results in extremely physical and conceptual performances. The visitors of the Ars Poetica festival will have a chance to see their new piece titled Pluto is a Planet! written for two voices and two infrared shirts, an original interface created by Adachi himself. The performance earned success at a local tour around Great Britain in May 2018.

Entrance to all events is free of charge.

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