all artists of Ars Poetica 2023

Karine Sarkisjan
A native of Yerevan, Armenia, she is unique artist on the Slovak music scene with her brilliant combination of piano playing and unique vocal expression. In addition, Karine enjoys arranging folk songs for various instruments, as well as choral compositions (including Ave Maria, premiered by the Slovak Philharmonic Choir). Karine is a sought-after performer for other musical ensembles and thus has been a guest artist for Balkanansambel, Bashavel, Preßburger Klezmer Band (featuring on its CD Tsvantsik Yorn), Shum Davar, Pacora Trio and Kaschauer Klezmer Band. She is also involved in stage music (cooperation with the Slovak National Theatre, Martin Chamber Theatre and others). Karine has appeared as one of the stars on the great klezmer festivals in Lviv and St. Petersburg, where her interpretation of Yiddish songs has been highly praised by such legends as Lorin Sklamberg and Michael Alpert. Karine rightfully belongs among the top musicians of Slovak world music.