all artists of Ars Poetica 2023

Zdeno Hlinka
Zdeno Hlinka moves on the interface between a software developer and a digital visual artist. Since the beginning of his work, he has devoted himself to using his own code as a tool to create computer animations closely linked to musical accompaniment. Its roots go back to the demo scene, an independent subculture of creators who produce audio-visual works in the form of programs that create animation in real time.
In 2000, he began to focus more on creating live video projections for public events, which led to the long-term development of his proprietary VJ software, which he still uses today.
As the basis for his projections, he uses his own video recordings with natural and industrial themes, the contrast of which fascinates him. In the last period, he became enthusiastic about analog photography again, which also grew into experiments with other forgotten technologies, such as VHS, Super 8, or experiments with analog video mixers and other VJ software on 8-bit platforms.
His visual expression is mostly multi-layered and dense, in which he creates an environment open to interpretation by the observer. He doesn't like to stay in one position and therefore tends to constantly experiment with
visual means and combining various procedures from deconstructivism to geometric minimalism, exploring the aesthetics of error (glitch), combining with photographs or 8-bit style.
He also experimented with media other than the web ( or created visual puzzles that were popular in the crypto community. For the last few years, he has been primarily engaged in commercial work
development of original video effects into graphic tools for motion graphics, which he then uses himself when creating video clips.