all artists of Ars Poetica 2024

Marián Milčák
Born 4.9.1960 in Revúca, lives in Levoča. He works as a university teacher at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice. He has published poetry collections Priestupný rok /The Leap Year, 1989/, Pevné hviezdy /Stars of Steel, 1992/, Mramorová sieň /Marble Hall, 1992/, Plnosť /Fullness, 1993/, Skrytá pieseň /Hidden Song, 1995/, Ženy obedujúce s mŕtvym /Women Dining with the Dead, 2005/, Siedma kniha spánku /The Seventh Book of Sleep, 2006/, Hra s hadmi /Playing with Snakes, 2014/, Tesseract (2018) and Provinčné básne /Provincial Poems, 2021/. In 2022, he published a selection of poetry, Selfie, in Fractal. In collaboration with Petr Milčák, he has translated a selection of Zbigniew Herbert's poetry The Elegy of Fortinbras (2009) and Czesław Miłosz's collection of poems It (2014). He has worked as a lecturer at universities in Poland and Slovenia. His poems have been translated into English, Spanish, Czech, Czech, Polish, German, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Lithuanian and other languages. He is interested in the theory of poetic text and communication aesthetics. He has published literary monographs O nezrozumiteľnosti básnického textu /On the Incomprehensibility of the Poetic Text, 2004/, Mýtus a báseň /Myth and the Poem, 2010/ and Subjekt a paradigma básnického textu /Subject and Paradigm of the Poetic Text, 2023/.