all artists of Ars Poetica 2024

Miroslava Dudková
Miroslava Dudková
She graduated in puppetry at the Academy of Performing Arts KBT in Bratislava (2002).
In 2008 she defended her doctorate on the topic of Voice Technique in Alternative Theatre at the Academy of Performing Arts KBT.
She has been a member of the artistic ensemble of the Bratislava Puppet Theatre since 2006. She has worked in several theatres in Slovakia and Serbia: Jan Palárik Theatre in Trnava; Bratislava Puppet Theatre (since 2003 as a host, since 2006 as an internal actress); Puppet Theatre Žilina; Theatre a.ha.; Studio 12; Wustenrot Theatre; Arteatro Theatre; Malá scéna Theatre; Slovak Vojvodina Theatre).
From 2003-2022, she was a medical clown in the civic association Červený nos /Red Nose/ Clowndoctors. Since 2022, she has been working in the civic association Puppets in the Hospital.
She has published the poem Suchý rok /Dry Year/ (2003), a collection of poems Nahá myseľ /Naked Mind/ (2009) and a collection of poems Pokrčené verše /Wrinkled Verses/ (2015).