"We are certain that reading to children is the biggest investment and the biggest gift that we can give them."
On the webpage citajmesispolu.sk, you can find much interesting information on the topic of reading with children and how to even begin. There, you can even find instructions on how to read to infants and a collection of useful tips titled The Ten Commandments of Reading to Children. (And you will surely be pleased with some creative inspiration for creating a home library :)
1. When you read together, let it be the only thing that you're doing.
2. Never punish your child by cancelling your together time.
3. Set ridiculously small goals.
4. Create a habit.
5. Have the right expectations.
6. Keep books handy (and hide the remote).
7. Keep books visible around the house.
8. Repeat books.
9. Change the books up.
10. Remember the most important reason for doing this: a relationship with your child.
The Ars Poetica Publishing House cares even for the youngest readers...
That is why we added a book of poems by Marta Straková to our new edition:
The Magic Meadow at the End of the City
English translation: Martina Tomašovičová