Ars Poetica 2014 – World Class Poetry Charms Bratislava Once Again

Twelfth edition of international festival of poetry Ars Poetica 2014, taking place between the 3rd and 7th of December in Bratislava's culture centre A4, brings a number of real surprises for all the admirers of great poetry and culture in general. This year's main headliner of Ars Poetica 2014 is Ron Padgett, American poet, co–founder of the famous New York school and one of the prominent figures of contemporary American poetry, who has been awarded many prestigious prizes.One of the pioneers of sound poetry, German wildcard Dalibor Marković, is set to perform, among other great performers, right on the opening night of the festival. Be prepared for a thrilling mix of rhythm of words and drums. Surely a highlight of the opening night.

Visitors of Ars Poetica 2014 can look forward to witnessing the performances of more than twenty poets and authors from twelve countries. As a special treat, the festival's stage will host a few first showings of performances of international artists that connect poetry and visual art: Marc Atkins, a world renowned poet, visual artist and photographer, Martín Bakero, a surreal Chilean living in Paris, Ariadna Radi Cor, Italian poet and performative graphic, but also a Cracovian duo of young pioneers of digital poetry. Slovak poetry will be represented by the leading authors of three generations: Ján Buzássy, Karol Chmel and Jana Pácalová.

Concerts should also be mentioned among the highlights of the festival. Not only there will be performances of young and talented Slovak musicians like Lixx and his project Subliminal, or a duo Genius Locci, the program also includes a performance of worldwide renowned Tony Bianco in the formation Mass Machine whose other member is a poet and performer Michel Delville.

With her multimedia project Creation 2014 (inspired by Michal Habaj's poetry), charming Jana Tereková (with Eva Lacková) is ready to persuade the audience that poetry acquires amazing new dimensions when enriched by modern dance.

Ars Poetica's film section, this year taking place manly in Foajé,16 Štefániková Street, once again offers rare pieces and creative experiments – films you wont see in any multiplex movie theatre. From all the excellent films, definitely don't miss Experimental film, a retrospective set of Dušan Hanák's short experimental films, or Zuzana Piussi's Cogito Ergo Slam (Myslím, tedy slam, 2008) which is yet rather unknown in Slovakia.

The poems were translated by Mária Ferenčuhová, Karol Chmel, Pavol Lukáč, Peter Macsovszky, Katarína Motyková, Silvia Ruppeldtová, Martin Solotruk, Martina Straková and Miroslava Vallová. Lucia Hurajová and Ľubo Bukový will take care of the artistic recitation within the VJ sets of Zdeno Hlinka.