How to read a poem (Modrý Peter, 2016) is already the second book, this time containing twenty-two authorial interpretations, which should equip its readers with courage and help the less-experienced of them with reading poetry excitedly, at the end of which they won't find trauma, but rather joy and a personal artistic experience.
The strategy of this project is to attempt to eliminate the inadequate respect (or even contempt) towards the poetic text, which is so often acquired at school.
Twenty-two contemporary Slovak poets from all generations (such as Robert Bielik, Peter Bily, Juraj Brikšár, Ján Štrasser, Martin Solotruk, Ivan Štrpka, Katarína Kucbelová, Michal Habaj, Ján Buzássy and others) share comprehensible and sufficiently instructive reflections on their own poetry. The editors of this literary project are Peter Milčák and Marián Milčák.
How to read a poem II. (Twenty-two authorial interpretations)
"Literature is born out of hours of silence, when experience settles down inside of us;
in reflections and vague dreaming that can only seek its words through the process of creation."
– Ján Buzássy
Small Rose Garden
(excerpt from a poem by J. Buzássy)
As a groan, the wind is carrying a chorus of barefoot
Carmelites out of the convent,
and like tones, the petals are raining
from the rose-colored arch under the strain of dew.
English translation: Martina Tomašovičová