Marc Atkins: Retrospective

We are pleased to inform you about an upcoming exhibition of the British poet Marc Atkins, who was one of the guests at the International Poetry Festival Ars Poetica 2014. The exhibition is a retrospective of 25 years of Atkins's creative work and includes his photographs, drawings, sculptures, video art as well as a variety of author's creative texts.


Beyond many of him often improbable collaborations, especially with Iain Sinclair, Jah Wobble, or David Lynch – the universe twilight of the work of Marc Atkins reflects a singular vision, distance from the dominant currents of contemporary art.

The exhibition will be curated by the poet and musician Michel Delville and will take place in the Wittert Gallery in Liège, Belgium, from 2 October to 19 December. More information on the upcoming exhibition:

Two Watching

Beyond the village in tempered fit the two lay sleeping, the collective vision being of a hanging cloud, a stone, waiting to split, to spill even infection into the ears of dreamers, listening or not, who ready themselves to dine or not on fading reflections, and being at rest in Chronos' lap, as a message to all winters' coming, they yearn to tell of each idiom as it falls, to form a symbol of near stamped perfection, for he is waiting here to be insane, not to write, with an outstretched hand his last word in the snow, and she, to watch herself, wrapped in water, dying of whispers, each held in the disenchantment of their made believe fortress.


More poems from Marc Atkins in the Ars Poetica festival anthology