A Catalogue of Perspectives on Multifaceted Work of a British Artist, Marc Atkins

Just recently, a Belgian gallery Wittert, based in the city of Liège, opened a fresh exhibition of a leading British poet, as well as, surely, interdisciplinary artist Marc Atkins. The retrospect of the prolific creative career of this universal mind presents a spectacular array of his photography, drawings, sculpture, video art, as well as many of his pieces of poetry.

All of that rich variety, 25 years of Atkins's work, comes to light shaped by a remarkable curatorial concept of Michel Delville. The leading Belgian poet and musician also greatly contributed to the project as a sole editor of the exhibition catalogue, a unique monograph in fact, featuring diverse perspectives of a select team of international scientific and artistic personalities, on Atkins's works.

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The noteworthy publication, just recently published by the University of Liège, features an exciting collection of diverse multi-discourse texts, reflections or essays of the following authors: Louis Armand, Brian Baker, Paul Buckley, Michel Delville, Sophie Gilmartin, Michael Hrebeniak, John Kinsella, Jock McFadyen, Rod Mengham, Jonathan Monroe, Clive Phillpot, Tadeusz Pióro, Evie Salmon, Nikki Santilli, Iain Sinclair, and Martin Solotruk. Let us conclude by noting that both Marc Atkins and Michel Delville performed at the International Poetry Festival Ars Poetica 2014.

More information on Marc Atkins at marcatkins.com

The publication is also mentioned in:




A short reportage from the exhibition available at rtc.be

„... he is waiting here to be insane, not to write, with an outstretched

hand his last word in the snow, and she, to watch herself, wrapped

in water, dying of whispers, each held in the disenchantment of their

made believe fortress."

– ­Marc Atkins Two Watching (poem excerpt)