Essayist and poetess Dana Podracká has compiled a publication dedicated to the most distinct female Slovak prose writer Božena Slančíková Timrava (1867-1951) in honor of the 150th anniversary of her birth. Out of excerpts from her works and correspondence, Podracká strove to create a plastic portrait of the author, whose "companion was solitude throughout all of her creative career – whether it was the inner or the outer one" (A. Matuška). Timrava's existence was also filled with spiritual toil. She is the first modern female Slovak writer whose proses are constantly being read and interpreted even today.
Timrava in the selection of Dana Podracká, Literary Information Centre, 2017
Božena Slančíková Timrava (1867-1951)
Picture source: Wikipedia, graphic work by Lívia Kožušková