The opening of The Christmas Book

Košice Youth Library has opened The Christmas Book, a cycle of motivational and entertaining events for children and youth devoted to all age groups of young readers year by year.

Košice Library is known for their activities directed at young readers, taking place all year long. They are closing the year in the same spirit. Iveta Hurná, the library's director, said: "For all our branches, we have once again planned cheerful and entertaining events with several Christmas guests taking place before and after Christmas time. We have not forgotten about children in the hospital – we are hosting readings at the children's oncology department and in the playroom for hospitalized kids. And of course, we cannot miss the Christmas table tennis tournament, Knihovníci verzus Domko, taking place in the social care home, as well as the nationwide activity in support of reading titled Celé Slovensko číta deťom aj na Mikuláša [All of Slovakia Reads to Children]."

The opening of The Christmas Book