The 7th Ars Poetica International Poetry Festival 2009 is a multi-genre event bringing together contemporary poetry with other forms of art. Ars Poetica will once again present performances by dozens of leading contemporary poets, concerts by independent music artists and feature-length, experimental and animated films. The program also includes various other events, such as lectures, workshops and European round table talks on publishing and editing poetry.
This year the festival will present diverse poetry by 26 poets from 15 countries (USA, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Egypt, Slovenia, Macedonia, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia). Their poems have been translated by several renowned, but also some younger Slovak translators: Marián Andričík, Zuzana Drábeková, Mária Ferenčuhová Ridzoňová, Mila Haugová, Karol Chmel, Milan Kopecký, Pavol Lukáč, Gabriela Magová, Katarína Motyková, Jana Pajerová, Martin Solotruk and Miroslava Vallová.
The translated poetry will be read as interpreted by two well-known actors, Marek Majeský and Lucia Hurajová, while live VJ sets by Zdeno Hlinka will add yet another, visual dimension to the authors' performances.
The 7th Ars Poetica International Poetry Festival 2009 will welcome stars in the likes of the Polish poet Andrzej Sosnowski, American author Campbell McGrath, Jan Wagner from Germany or the Italian poet Laura Pugno. Slovak poetry will be represented by several authors from the younger generation (Eva Luka, Ján Gavura, Daniel Grúň and Veronika Šramatyová).
The opening event of the festival is a poetry concert titled Márnivé bubliny – i. e. the musical compositions and improvisations by Oskar Rózsa, which simultaneously flow out of his interactions with contemporary Slovak poetry. During the following days, the festival will present performances by multimedia artists and musicians such as the Slovak band Hvozd, the Polish Marcel Arp Ensemble, Johan Band from the Czech Republic or the project titled Healing Heating with Marek Machajdík and Boris Lenko. The film section is made up of 13 screenings of feature films and numerous short films. They are all connected to poetry, whether it be in their theme or distinctive poetics.
The Ars Poetica festival is trying to revive the awareness of poetry as a current medium and does so through opening up the international context, among other things. The multilingual anthology proves to be the most extensive and representative translation project connected to contemporary world poetry in Slovakia.
Bratislava 7. – 11. 10. 2009
A4, Nám. SNP / FK 35_mm, FTF VŠMU Svoradova 2
Poetry, films, concerts, workshops
Básne 26 autorov zo 16 krajín čítajú
Lucia Rózsa Hurajová & Marek Majeský
VJ Zdeno Hlinka
17.00 Goya v Bordeaux / ESP / IT / film / A4
18.00 X=X + 1 / SVK / film / FK 35_mm
Niečo z Alenky / ČSSR / SUI / GB / DE / film / FK 35_mm
19.00 Poetry night / A4
Nikola Madzirov / MAC
Daniel Grúň / SVK
Angela Di Francesca / IT
Yahia Lababidi / EG
Veronika Šramatyová / SVK
Boel Schenlaer / SWE
20.00 Deň magora / PL / film / FK 35_mm
21.30 Márnivé bubliny / koncert poézie / SVK / A4
Oskar Rózsa, Lucia Rózsa Hurajová, Marek Majeský
9.00 Zoë Skoulding: Experimentálne formy v súčasnej britskej poézii / UK / prednáška / workshop / FiF UK
13.00 Petr Hruška: Nesamozrejmý príbeh slova – poézia Karla Šiktanca / CZ / prednáška / USlL SAV
17.00 Mednyánszky / SVK / film / A4
18.00 Romanca pre krídlovku / ČSSR / film / FK 35_mm
19.00 Poetry night / A4
Lucija Stupica / SLO
Marek Pražák / CZ
András Gerevich / HU
Marion Poschmann / DE
Andrzej Sosnowski / PL
Campbell McGrath / USA
20.00 Muzikológ a tvorca / SVK / film / FK 35_mm
Mojich prvých 75... Egon Bondy / SVK / film / FK 35_mm
21.30 Hvozd / SVK / koncert / A4
22.00 Johan Band / CZ / performance / A4
14.30 Európsky okrúhly stôl o vydávaní a preklade poézie / workshop / A4
17.00 Slovensko pre začiatočníkov / SVK / film / A4
Recyklátor / SVK / film / A4
18.00 Legendárny Csoma: Hosť života / HU / film / FK 35_mm
19.00 Poetry night / A4
Martin Amanshauser / AT
Petr Král / CZ
Luis Javier Moreno / ESP
Sonja Harter / AT
Tomas Santiago Sanchez / ESP
Bianka Rolando / PL
20.00 Rembrandtova Nočná hliadka / HOL / DE / FIN / film / FK 35_mm
21.30 Marcel Arp Ensemble / PL / koncert / A4
17.00 Lorca, smrť básnika / ESP / film / A4
18.00 Fest Anča fičí / SVK / film / FK 35_mm
19.00 Poetry night / A4
Jan Wagner / DE
Eva Luka / SVK
Judit Ágnes Kiss / HU
Ján Gavura / SVK
Laura Pugno / IT
Ian Davidson / UK
Fred Griot / FR
20.00 Anténa / ARG / film / FK 35_mm
21.00 Remains of a Future City / UK / koncert poézie / A4
Zoë Skoulding & Alan Holmes
22.00 Healing Heating / SVK / performance / A4
Peter Machajdík, Boris Lenko, Petra Fornayová
18.00 Obrázky z výletu za plot blázinca / SVK / film / FK 35_mm
Času je málo a voda stúpa SVK / film / FK 35_mm
20.00 Momentky / SVK / film / FK 35_mm