Ars Poetica 2014 – World Class Poetry Charms Bratislava Once Again. Twelfth edition of international festival of poetry Ars Poetica 2014, taking place between the 3rd and 7th of December in Bratislava’s culture centre A4, brings a number of real surprises for all the admirers of great poetry and culture in general. This year's main headliner of Ars Poetica 2014 is Ron Padgett, American poet, co—founder of the famous New York school and one of the prominent figures of contemporary American poetry, who has been awarded many prestigious prizes. One of the pioneers of sound poetry, German wildcard Dalibor Marković, is set to perform, among other great performers, right on the opening night of the festival. Be prepared for a thrilling mix of rhythm of words and drums. Surely a highlight of the opening night.
Visitors of Ars Poetica 2014 can look forward to witnessing the performances of more than twenty poets and authors from twelve countries. As a special treat, the festival's stage will host a few first showings of performances of international artists that connect poetry and visual art: Marc Atkins, a world renowned poet, visual artist and photographer, Martín Bakero, a surreal Chilean living in Paris, Ariadna Radi Cor, Italian poet and performative graphic, but also a Cracovian duo of young pioneers of digital poetry. Slovak poetry will be represented by the leading authors of three generations: Ján Buzássy, Karol Chmel and Jana Pácalová.
Concerts should also be mentioned among the highlights of the festival. Not only there will be performances of young and talented Slovak musicians like Lixx and his project Subliminal, or a duo Genius Locci, the program also includes a performance of worldwide renowned Tony Bianco in the formation Mass Machine whose other member is a poet and performer Michel Delville.
With her multimedia project Creation 2014 (inspired by Michal Habaj's poetry), charming Jana Tereková (with Eva Lacková) is ready to persuade the audience that poetry acquires amazing new dimensions when enriched by modern dance.
Ars Poetica's film section, this year taking place manly in Foajé,16 Štefániková Street, once again offers rare pieces and creative experiments – films you wont see in any multiplex movie theatre. From all the excellent films, definitely don't miss Experimental film, a retrospective set of Dušan Hanák's short experimental films, or Zuzana Piussi's Cogito Ergo Slam (Myslím, tedy slam, 2008) which is yet rather unknown in Slovakia.
The poems were translated by Mária Ferenčuhová, Karol Chmel, Pavol Lukáč, Peter Macsovszky, Katarína Motyková, Silvia Ruppeldtová, Martin Solotruk, Martina Straková and Miroslava Vallová. Lucia Hurajová and Ľubo Bukový will take care of the artistic recitation within the VJ sets of Zdeno Hlinka.
Foajé, Štefánikova 16, Bratislava
18:00 – Other Visions 2013 – a selection of ten animation films from Festival of Film Animation PAF 2013
20:00 – The Second Game (Steaua : Dinamo 1988) d. Corneliu Porumboiu, Romania 2014, 97 min
A4, Karpatská 2
19:00 Evening of Poetry
Nia Davies (GB)
Vlad Ster (RO/NL)
Dagmara Kraus (GER)
Simone Kornappel (GER)
Dalibor Markovic (GER)
A4, 21:00 Dancing Performance
Creation 2014
Eva Lacková (SK), Jana Tereková (SK)
A4, 22:00 Concert
Genius Locci (SK)
Film Section
A4, Karpatská 2
17:30 Europe, a single poem I
Foajé, Štefánikova 16, Bratislava
18:00 – Experimental film (1919 – 1959)
20:00 – Best of Fest Anča 2014, 83 min.
13:00 European Poetry Forum
Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava, Gondova 2
International Colloquium On The Forms of Contemporary Poetry
A4, 19:00 Evening of Poetry
Rodica Draghincescu (RO/FR)
Tomica Bajsić (CRO)
Adam Borzič (CZ)
Hilá Lahav (IZR)
Karol Chmel (SK)
Ron Padgett (USA)
A4, 21:00 Poetry and Video
Ariadne Radi Cor (IT/GB)
Leszek Onak (PL)
Łukasz Podgórni (PL)
A4, 22:00 Concert
Subliminal / Lixx (SK)
Film Section
A4, Karpatská 2
17:30 Europe, a single poem II
Foajé, Štefánikova 16, Bratislava
18:00 – Experimental film (1928 – 2005)
20:00 – The Lyricist, d. Arnold Kojnok, Slovakia, 2014, 83 min.
A4, 19:00 Evening of Poetry
Biagio Guerrera (IT)
Jana Pácalová (SK)
David Lespiau (FR)
Ján Buzássy (SK)
Michel Delville (BEL)
A4, 21:00 Poetry and Video
Martín Bakero (CHIL/FR)
Marc Atkins (GB)
A4, 22:00 Concert
Machine Mass
Michel Delville (BEL), Tony Bianco (USA/GB)
Film Section
A4, Karpatská 2
17:30 Europe, a single poem III
Foajé, Štefánikova 16, Bratislava
18:00 Stoka – The Epilogue, d. Zuzana Piussi, Slovakia, 2007, 19 min.
19:00 Cogito Ergo Slam, d. Zuzana Piussi, Czech Republic, 2008, 51 min.
20:00 Dušan Hanák (1965 – 1974)
15:00 Bring Your Own Poem
Malewill Café, Uršulínska 9, Bratislava
Creative Writing - Workshop
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Ján Buzássy (SK) was born in Kočovce, Slovakia. He graduated from library studies and Slovak language at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava. He worked as editor and later (until its demise) as editor-in-chief of the iconic Mladá tvorba (Young Creation), a magazine about literature. Since 1971, he worked as editor and editor-in-chief of the publishing house Slovenský spisovateľ (Slovak Writer). After 1989, he became chairman of the Association of Writers's Organisations in Slovakia. Works: 1965 - A Game with Knives, 1966 – The School of Cynics, 1970 – Nausicaa, 1972 – Beauty Leads the Stone, 1975 – A Fairytale, 1975 – Phonolite, sonnet cycle, 1976 – A Year, sonnet cycle, 1978 – Spirit of Elderberry, 1979 – Saint John's Wort, 1982 – Plain, Mountains, 1988 – The Golden Section, 1993 – Remedy with Wine, 1995 – Days, 1997 – The Light of Waters, a cycle, 2000 – A Walk in Autumn, 2001 – Mrs. Faust and Other Poems, 2004 – Still Life – A Short Fasting. Translations: 1966 – T.S.Eliot: Wasteland, 1967 – Oskar Davico: Gale Market, 1973 – Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin: The Village. |
More information at Ars Poetica European Poetry Forum site |
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Hilà Lahav (IL) was born in Zichron Yaacov, Israel, and is a professional musician and a poet. She has studied History at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and early music performance for recorder at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. She is a member of several acclaimed ensembles in which she performs classical early music as well as classical Turkish, Arabic and Andalusian music that she performs on the ney (Turkish/Arab flute) and historical woodwinds. Since 2005, Hilà's poetry has been published by Mita'am literary magazine and she has been awarded by the Hebrew University for several of her poem collections. Her debut poetry collection, Soul, (נשמה) was published in 2011 by Hakibbutz Hameuchad publishers. Until the Morning – (עד הבוקר) her second book of poetry – is to be published December 2014 by Hakibbutz Hameuchad publishers. |
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Dagmara Kraus (D) was born in Poland and raised there and in Germany. Her poetry and translations appear widely, including the poetry collections kummerang (Kookbooks, Berlin, 2012/ gloomerang, New York, Argos Books 2014) and kleine grammaturgie (Urs Engeler/roughbooks, Solothurn, 2013). She currently lives between rural France and Berlin and has recently discovered radio art. |
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Çekoslovakyalılaştıramadıklarımızdanmısınız or Long words - a chapbook-long series of poems titled after long words in various languages - is her forthcoming publication. She is editor of Poetry Wales and co-editor of Poems in Which. She also works on international literary projects with Literature Across Frontiers and Wales Literature Exchange. Nia Davies lives in Wales. |
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Lucia Hurajová, actress, lives in Bratislava. She regularly performs in various theaters in Bratislava (City Theater of Pavol Orságh Hviezdoslav, Divadlo v Podpalubí). She is a member of Túlavé divadlo ensemble (Wandering Theater), a coordinator of international Francophonic project Karavána desiatich slov/Caravane des dix mots. She holds a doctoral degree in theater studies, and has one son, Maximilián. |
Ľubo Bukový was born in Martin. He graduated in acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He was awarded Best Actor at the International Student Festival Zlomvaz in Prague and he was awarded Best New Actor in 2006 Divadelné dosky Awards for the play Ivanov. Together with his home independent theatre group The 12 Studio he won the Grand Prix at New Drama Festival 2009 with the their own play Pamäť Bratislavy: I. Petržalské príbehy (The Memory of Bratislava: I. The stories of Petržalka). Later he co-acted with Teatr Polski in Wroclaw under artistic supervision of Krystian Lupa and took part in a work-shop led by Russian theatre maestro Anatoliy Alexandrovich Vasilyev. He has performed in several theaters in Slovakia and abroad, for instance in the Slovak National Theatre, Arena Theatre or Štúdio 12 in Bratislava, Archa Theatre in Prague, Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw, Municipal Theater I-Camp in Munich and Italian theatre Piccolo Teatro Orologio. Ľubo Bukový often performs as a film actor – in Jiří Chlumský's movie Nedodržaný sľub (Broken Promise) or in Juraj Krasnohorský's debut Slovak feature Tigre v meste (Tigers in the City). Since 2007m he is a member of TUCET Studio for New Drama ensemble. |
Foajé, Štefánikova 16
6 PM – Other Visions 2013
A selection of ten animation films from Festival of Film Animation PAF 2013, curated by David Kořínek, member of the art group RAFANI
8 PM – The Second Game
(Steaua : Dinamo 1988) d. Corneliu Porumboiu, Romania 2014, 97 min.
The director and his father watch a 1988 football match which the father refereed, their commentary accompanying the original television images in real time. A Bucharest derby between the country's leading teams, Dinamo and Steaua, taking place in heavy snow, one year before the revolution that toppled Ceaușescu. The Second Game (Steaua : Dinamo 1988) is a peculiar movie based on viewer's cognitive abilities, experimenting with the possibilities of capturing and portraying the reality and its complexity.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
5:30 PM – Europe, a single poem I
Set of short, eight minutes long films in production of Czech Television offers the portraits of prominent figures of contemporary European poetry captured through the eyes of Czech and Slovak directors.
Ján Litvák - Slovak poet through the eyes of director J. A. Pitínský
Eva Kristina Olsson – Swedish poet through the eyes of director B. Rychlík
Nora Nadjarian - Cypriot poet through the eyes of director M. Františák
Els Moors - Belgian poet through the eyes of director J. Gogola
Jane Kirwan - British poet through the eyes of director V. Morávek
Johanna Venho – Finnish poet through the eyes of director J. Dadák
Dimitar Kenarov - Bulgarian poet through the eyes of director V. Morávek
Edvins Raups - Latvian poet through the eyes of director B. Rychlík
Foajé, Štefánikova 16
6 PM – Experimental Cinema (1919 – 1959)
The atmosphere of the beginning of 20th century is the matrix for the search of the cinema's identity, as well as for a variety of Avant-garde directions. Have a look at the extracts of breakthrough cinema experiments, various technologies and approaches from the era when visual language of cinema competed with poetry.
Symphonie Diagonale ( d. Viking Eggeling, 1919 — 1924, 7 min.), Filmstudie ( d. Hans Richter, 1926, 5 min.), L'Idée (d. Berthold Bartosch, 1932, 25min.), Swinging the Lambeth Walk ( d. Len Lye, 1939 min.) Meshes of the Afternoon (d. Maya Deren, 1943, 15 min.), A Man and His Dog Out for Air ( d. Robert Breer, 1957, 3 min.)
8 PM – International Animation Festival – Best of Fest Anča 2014, 83 min.
Best of International Animation Festival Fest Anča, which is an exclusive platform bringing quality animation movies for adult audience all around Slovakia. The compilation consists of the best films of this year's festival. Come and see the best of short animated films, student films, music videos and films for children.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
9 PM – Dancing Performance
Creation 2014
Eva Lacková (SK), Jana Tereková (SK)
The dance show was inspired by poems selected from the books of poetry Korene neba and Michal Habaj written by Michal Habaj.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
10 PM – Concert
Genius Locci (SK)
A musical project of two sisters and likeminded musicians whose music oscillate between indie folk, dream pop and tender electronic ambient tunes. They sing in English and their songs have compelling, harmonious melodies. They combine fragility with extraordinary energy and power. In May 2014 they published an EP entitled Innate featuring their selected songs.
1 PM European Poetry Forum
Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava, Gondova 2
International Colloquium On The Forms of Contemporary Poetry
The European Poetry Forum Initiative seeks to establish a permanent platform, a bursary, of reflections, observations and recommendations on the contexts and forms of the contemporary European and international poetry provided by the broadest possible spectrum of creative and academic personalities. We hope to inspire a growing emergence of an informative forum that will employ both traditionally academic as well as independently creative approaches in an effort of gathering knowledge and reflective impulses on the poetics, traditions, and visions of those, whose call was to inherit the earth as the art of poetry.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
5:30 PM – Europe, a single poem II
Collete Mart - Luxemburgian poet through the eyes of director L. Králová
Bogdan Trojak - Czech poet through the eyes of director V. Morávek
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer – Dutch poet through the eyes of director J. Dadák
Denisa Mirena Piscu - Romanian poet through the eyes of director J. Gogola
Roland Acsai - Hungarian poet through the eyes of director P. Kerekes
Stanka Hrastelj -Slovenian poet through the eyes of director J. Dadák
Manfred Chobot - Austrian poet through the eyes of director L. Cmíral
Neringa Abrutyte -Lithuanian poet through the eyes of director J. A. Pitínský
Foajé, Štefánikova 16
6 PM – Experimental cinema (1928 – 2005)
The conjunctive theme of all these films is dance. Not by accident. All of the film creators included in this selection perceived films or video as a medium suitable for visual poetry, colourfulness and as a symphony of pictures.
La Marche Des Machines (d. Eugene Deslaw, 1928, 7 min.), Rainbow Dance (d. Len Lye, 1935, 4 min.), Meditation On Violence (d. Maya Deren, 1948, 13 min.), Dance Chromatic (d. Ed Emshwiller, 1959, 6 min.), Angel Blue Sweet Wings (d. Chick Strand, 1966, 3 min.), Take Off (d. Gunvor Nelson, 1972, 10 min.), Reasons To Be Glad (d. Jeff Scher, 1980, 3 min.), Mouse Heaven (d. Kenneth Anger, 2005, 12 min.)
8 PM – The Lyricist, d. Arnold Kojnok, Slovakia, 2014, 83 min.
This documentary depicts the life and lifework of a historian, Ján Mlynárik (1933-2012), which unfolded in existential proximity to the controversial historical events that took place during the existence of Czechoslovakia. At the same time, he is an example of a hard-line follower of the ‚Art of remaining upright' attitude. Certain parts of the movie depict how poetry influences the social change and vice versa during the tough totalitarian era.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
10 PM Concert
Subliminal, Lixx (SK)
For more than fifteen years, Lixx is mostly known for his drum&bass projects, but he doesn't hide his excitement for any kind of good tunes. He heads the Basshaze parties and SIGNAII_FM Night, as well as Radio FM's drum&bass show and has been tirelessly promoting all the good music for many years. In 2010, he started his side-project Subliminal. No genres, no restrictions, just pure, strong music that will penetrate deep under your skin.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
5:30 PM – Europe, a single poem III
Dimitri Vazemsky –French poet through the eyes of director M. Františák
Paul Maddern – Irish poet through the eyes of director L. Cmíral
Doris Kareva –Estonian poet through the eyes of director P. Kerekes
Joan-Elies Adell – Catalonian poet through the eyes of director L. Králová
Michal Tabaczynski – Polish poet through the eyes of director J. A. Pitínský
Immanuel Mifsud – Maltezian poet through the eyes of director P. Kerekes
Morten Sondergaard – Danish poet through the eyes of director J. Gogola
Hermann Jan Ooster – German poet through the eyes of director L.Cmíral
Maria Grazia Calandrone - Italian poet through the eyes of director L. Králová
José Antonio Almeida - Portugese poet through the eyes of director M. Rychlíková
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
6 PM – Stoka – Epilogue, d. Zuzana Piussi, Slovakia, 2007, 19 min.
Through interviews with Ľubo Burgr, Laco Kerata, Inge Hrubaničova, Jozef Chmel, Vlado Zboroň, Lucia and Zuzana Piussi and Blaho Uhlár, as well as by seeing the extracts from a variety of theatrical performances, we are given a unique chance to return to Stoka Theater, which, especially in 90's, was a forum where, at least for Slovakia, magical and uncommon moments occured on regular basis.
7:00 PM – Cogito, Ergo Slam – Myslím, tedy slam, d. Zuzana Piussi, Czech Republic, 2008, 51 min.
In this documentary by Zuzana Piussi, poetry is literally the heart and soul. Slam poetry is an unconventional form of recital – mainly poetry – that combines the methods of a variety of performance arts. The movie is an account of the first edition the competition, which took place in 2008 during the festival Poetry Without Borders in Olomouc, Czech Republic. The event was open to everyone who wished to sign up, exclusively with his/her's own work, with a three minute time limit and without using any properties, costumes, or music. Piussi follows the competition all the way from start to the final that took place in Brno.
8 PM – Dušan Hanák (1965 – 1974)
Exclusive selection of short and experimental films carefully picked from the work of one of the most important Slovak film directors.
Metamorphosis (1965) 15 min., Impression (1966) 18 min., Sonata Or Finding The Lucky Number (1966) 5 min., Analogy (1966) 15 min, Leaving a Mark (1970) 14 min., The Flight of The Blue Bird (1974) 15 min.
A4 – Centre for contemporary Art, Karpatská 2
10 PM Concert
Machine Mass is coming to Bratislava after successfully hypnotizing the music scene from New York to Paris.
It will pull us into their magic of shamanistic sounds and loops.
The Machine Mass formation Bratislava gear include: Tony Bianco (drums and percussions)
and Michel Delville (guitar and electronics).
3 PM Bring Your Own Poem
Malewill Café, Uršulínska 9, Bratislava
Creative Writing - Workshop
Please be invited to come and share your poetry experience. Together we will read, discuss, create and write.
The workshop is open to all interested.
Ron Padget
Marc Atkins
Michal Delville
Martín Bakero
David Lespiau
Vlad Marius Ster
Nia Davies
Tomica Bajsić
Hilá Lahav
Adam Borzič
Biagio Guerrera
Dalibor Marković
Major Partners:
Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Pressburg
Embassy of the United States in Slovakia
Polish Institute in Bratislave
Třinecké železárny - Moravia Steel
Major Media Partner:
Radio and Television of Slovakia
Media Partners:
The Daily Pravda
Slovak Spectator
Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava
Bratislava Tourist Board
Bratislava Flag Ship Restaurant
1. Slovak Pub
Združenie vydavateľov a kníhkupcov Slovenskej republiky
A thirteen minute documentary will guide you through several inspiring interviews with our international poets – participants of the 12th International poetry festival Ars Poetica 2014:
Art Magazine, RTVS, 21.12.2014.
Martin Solotruk - festival director, dramaturgy
Martina Straková - coordination & PR
Martin Palúch - film section dramaturgy
Dušan Vančo - music section dramaturgy
Zuzana Némethová - production
Gabriela Vaššová - guest service
Silvia Ruppeldtová - anthology editor, translations
Zden Hlinka - TV spot creation, VJ-ing
Veronika Mináriková - graphic design & layout
Igor Smitka - festival photo & video
Pavol Lukáč - translations from and to English
Lucia Hurajová - TV spot voiceover, poetry recitation
Ľubo Bukový - recitácia poézie, poetry recitation