Ars Poetica 2018
The 16th International Ars Poetica Poetry Festival / November 13–23, 2018
The Clear Sound of Poetry
Come and listen to the magical sounds of world poetry!

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We are honoured that the Mayor of the City of Bratislava,
Mr. Ivo Nesrovnal, has taken the auspices over the Ars Poetica 2018 Poetry Festival
Festival program
International Poetry Festival
Ars Poetica 2018 – Program
Date: November 13-23, 2018
Tuesday, November 13 / Slovak National Theatre / Blue Salon / Pribinova 17
19.30 Šmátranie v širočine / Fumbling in the Vastness
A performance of magical imagery and inner voices
that will arouse the forgotten plains of your memory.
director: Soňa Ferancová
cast: Ján Gallovič, Štefan Kocán
screenplay (montage from the poetry by Ján Stacho): Martin Solotruk
Wednesday, November 14 / Slovak National Theatre / Blue Salon / Pribinova 17
19.30 Korene / Roots
a poetic evening with the music
cast: Táňa Pauhofová, Martin Geišberg
Thursday, November 15 / V Klub / SNP Square 12
19.00 Poetry Evening
Luc Bénazet (FR)
Kathrin Schmidt (DE)
Alexandru Potcoavă (RO)
Risto Ahti (FI)
Camilla Nelson (GB)
Kinga Tóth (HU)
Honorable guest:
Noam Partom (IL) Spoken Word Solo
21.00 Concert
Kieslowski (CZ)
22.00 / Open End Party for Everyone
Free entry
Friday, November 16 / Café Berlinka SNG / nám. Ľ. Štúra 4
19.00 Poetry Evening
Martin Poch (CZ)
Jana Beňová (SK)
Luke Roberts (GB)
Olivier Brossard (FR)
Renate Aichinger (AT)
Bruno Doucey (FR)
Endre Szkárosi (HU)
21.00 / World-Class Sound Poetry Concert
Hannah Silva (GB) & Tomomi Adachi (JP)
22.00 / Open End Party for Everyone
Free entry
Saturday, November 17 / Café Berlinka SNG / nám. Ľ. Štúra 4
18.30 / Versopolis: Evening of European Poetry
Veronika Dintinjana (SI)
Pietro Cagni (IT)
Nikolina Andova (MK)
Łukasz Jarosz (PL)
Agda Bavi Pain (SK)
Mária Ferenčuhová (SK)
Honorable guest:
Carmien Michels (BE) Spoken Word Solo
21.00 Concert
Pospiš/Sillay/Nikitin (SK) Spev tebe
22.00 / Open End Party for Everyone
Free entry
Poetry read by Lucia Hurajová, Marek Majeský and Ivan Šándor
VJ sets by Zden Hlinka
Poetry evenings presented by Martin Solotruk
Program is subject to change
Ars Poetica 2018 Off Program
University Library in Bratislava, Liszt Pavillon, Klariská 1
Friday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17 / 2pm – 5pm
European Poetry Forum
colloquium and session with international authors
Saturday, November 17 / 10.45am – 1pm
Ars Poetica for Children
Book, Sow Yourself!
creative poetry workshop run by studio Amulet
Sunday, November 18 / 3pm – 5pm
Bring Your Poem
Ars Poetica creative workshop with Martina Straková
Free entry
Friday, November 16 / 1pm – 4pm / V-Klub, Nám. SNP 12
Poézia z tela / Poetry Rooted in the Body
workshop by Roberta Štěpánková
Free entry
Ars Poetica Film (November 19-23)
Lumiére Film Theatre, auditorium No. 4, Špitálska 4, 811 08 Bratislava
Film Program
Monday, November 19
5:45pm / Lajka (dir. Aurel Klimt, Czech Republic, 2017, color, 87′, puppet/animated)
7:45pm / Elsewhere (dir. Juraj Nvota, Marian Urban, Slovakia/Czech Republic, 2018, color, 80′, documentary)
Tuesday, November 20
5:45pm / Monster (dir. Martin Snopek, Slovakia, 2018, color, 7′, animated)
The Last Self-Portrait (dir. Marek Kuboš, Slovakia, 2018, color, 72′, docu-fiction)
7:45pm / Little Brother Karel (dir. Krystyna Krauze, Poland/Czech Republic, 2016, color, 79′, documentary)
Wednesday, November 21
5:45pm / The Best of Fest Anča 2018 (A selection of winning animated films, 63min.)
7:45pm / Válek (dir. Patrik Lančarič, Slovakia, 2018, color/b&w, 131′, documentary)
Thursday, November 22
5:45pm / There Is No Other Way (dir. Jozef Zachar, Czechoslovakia, 1968, b&w., 104′, live action)
7:45pm / The House That Jack Built (dir. Lars von Trier, Denmark/France/Germany/Sweden, 2015, color, 155′, live action)
Friday, November 23
5:45pm / Cold War (dir. Pawel Pawlikowski, Poland/France/Great Britain, 2018, b&w, 84′, live action)
7:45pm / Manifesto (dir. Julian Rosefeldt, Australia/Germany, 2016, color, 95′, live action)
Film Section Programmer: Martin Palúch
Program is subject to change
Tomomi Adachi (Japan) is a performer/composer, sound poet, instrument builder and visual artist. Known for his versatile style, he has performed his own voice and electronics pieces, sound poetry, improvised music and contemporary music, also presented site-specific compositions, compositions for classical ensembles, choir pieces for untrained musicians, sculptural poetry pieces in all over the world including Hamburger Bahnhof Museum, Tate Modern, Centre Pompidou and Poesiefestival Berlin. He has been working with a wide range of materials; self-made physical interfaces and instruments, brainwave, artificial satellite, twitter texts, fracture and even paranormal phenomena. CDs include the solo album from Tzadik, Fontec, Omegapoint and naya records. He was a guest of the Artists-in-Berlin Program of the DAAD for 2012.
Nikolina Andova Shopova (Macedonia) was born Skopje. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology (Macedonian and South Slavic literature) at the St Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Her first book of poetry, The Entrance Is on the Other Side (2013), won the Stružské mosty award for best poetry debut and was later translated into English. Her second book of poetry, Connect the dots (2014), was published in Serbian as well. Nikolina Andova Shopova's poetry was translated into ten languages and published in numerous anthologies of Macedonian poetry. Besides poetry, she writes short stories and picture books for children. In 2018, the Skopje-based Templum published her first novel called Somebody was here (2018).
Risto Ahti (Finland). His first collection of poetry was published in 1967. Since then he has published some 40 books - essays, poetry, two novels and a number of translations from Swedish and English. His poetry has been translated to some 19 languages and he has taught poetry in Finland, England, USA, Spain, France, Sweden, and even Prague. He has earned most of the Finnish poetry awards and scholarships, he was appointed an Honorary Arts Professor and he has quite recently received a title of Honorary Doctor at Tampere University. |
Renate Aichinger (Austria) works and lives as a director and writer/poetess in Vienna and holds a degree in Dramatics and Art History. She published several books, including wundstill (2012), Welt.All.Tag (2014) and endeln (2016). Beside her literary work Renate Aichinger works also as a director and playwright (including Junge Burg Wien, Junges Schauspielhaus Zürich, Stadttheater Gießen, ARGEkultur Salzburg and Vorarlberger Landestheater). In 2012, she became head of the participatory project „Bürgertheater" at Landestheater Niederösterreich (including Glanzstoff by Felix Mitterer, awarded 2015 with the Nestroy Spezialpreis by the jury). Since 2016 she has worked as head of the department Offene Burg at the Burgtheater Wien. |
Jana Beňová (Slovak Republic). Her novel Café Hyena (Plán odprevádzania) won the 2012 European Union Prize for Literature and as thus far it has been translated in to 12 languages including German, English, French, Italian, and Arabic. She is the author of three books of poetry and four novels. Beňová worked as a journalist and editor at the Theatre Institut and currently she is publishing in the independent newspaper Denník N. She published several novels: Parker (2001), Café Hyena (Plán odprevádzania) (Seeing people off, 2008), Preč! Preč! (Away! Away!, 2012) and a collection of newspaper columns, Jana Beňová—Dnes (Jana Beňová—Today, 2010). Her most recent novel – Honeymoon - was published in 2015. |
Luc Bénazet (France) is a writer who penned several books of poetry, including nÉcrit (2009), La vie des noms (2013), Articuler (2015), Incidents (2018) and most recently a tale titled Rainal (2018). In 2014, he created a series of short films with Sébastien Laudenbach, and in 2015, he published his second book co-written with Benoît Casas. In 2016, he served as a co-editor of the magazine Les divisions de la joie alongside Victoria Xardel. His first record with musicians Deborah Lennie and Patrice Grente was released in 2017 and bears the title Grammata. |
Olivier Brossard (France) is associate professor of American literature at the University Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, where he is running the Poets and Critics program with Vincent Broqua and Abigail Lang. A member of the Institut Universitaire de France, he is currently at work on "A Collective History of American Poetry and Poetics." He recently edited a volume of essays, "Lovers of my Orchards": Writers and Artists on Frank O'Hara. Olivier Brossard is American series editor for éditions joca seria, which publish American poetry books in French translation. In 2000, with friends, he started the Double Change collective, an online magazine and reading series in Paris. Olivier Brossard has translated many poets including David Antin, Frank O'Hara, Ron Padgett and John Ashbery. |
Pietro Cagni (Italy) In 2015 he received his degree in Classical philology from the University of Catania. He's teaching in Catania and currently working on Dante's Comedy as well as contemporary Italian poetry. He is a founding member of the Centre of Contemporary Poetry of Catania, which organizes literary events and workshops in collaboration with the University of Catania. He collaborates with literary magazines and journals and he contributed to the publication of Poesia inChiostro, an anthology of essays about Italian poets of 20th century. His first volume of poetry Adesso è tornare sempre (Now it's always coming back) has won the XXX° Laurentum Prize in Rome and was a finalist for Premio InediTO 2018.
Veronika Dintinjana (SIovenia) is a poet and translator based in Ljubljana. Her first book of poems, Rumeno gori grm forzicij (Yellow Burns the Forsythia Bush) received the Best First Book award at the 24th Slovenian Book Fair in 2008. Her poems have been translated into 10 languages. Her second book V suhem doku (In Dry Dock), published in December 2016, was nominated for national critics' choice award (Kritiško sito) and won the 2017 best poetry book of the year award (Jenkova nagrada). As a translator, Veronika has published poems and essays by writers in the likes of Louise Glück or Muriel Rukeyser. As founder and manager of the Kentaver Arts and Literature Society, she organises monthly poetry readings Mlade Rime.
Bruno Doucey (France), writer and publisher, was born in the Jura mountains. After having managed Editions Seghers, he founded his own publishing house dedicated to defending the world's poetry and the activist values that drive it. He is the author of numerous anthologies of poetry, such as La Neuvaine d'amour (2010), S'il existe un pays (2013) or Ceux qui se taisent (2016), as well as five novels devoted to assassinated poets, the most recent one being Lounès Matoub, non aux fous de Dieu (2018). His most recent book of poetry is titled L'Emporte-voix (La Passe du vent, 2018).
Mária Ferenčuhová (Slovakia), is poet, translator and film scholar. Her main research domain is documentary film. She is author or co-author of scholarly monographs Odložený čas. Filmové pramene, historiografia, dokumentárny film (Differed Time. Film Sources, Historiography, Documentary, 2009), Dokumentárny film v krajinách V4 (Documentary in V4 Countries, 2014) and Nový slovenský film (New Slovak Cinema, 2015). She translates prose, poetry and essays from French and wrote four poetry books: Skryté titulky (Hidden Subtitles, 2003), Princíp neistoty (The Uncertainty Principle, 2008), Ohrozený druh (Threatened Species, 2012) and Imunita (Immunity, 2016), which won several prizes and was translated into Serbian and Ukrainian. In 2018, the British publishing house Shearsmans published her selected poems under the title Tidal Events. |
Łukasz Jarosz (Poland) is a percussion player, vocalist and lyricist for bands including Lesers Bend, Chaotic Splutter, Panoptikum and Katil Ferman. He teaches Polish at a primary school and lives in the countryside near Olkusz. His first collection of poetry was Soma, published in 2006, which won first prize in the W. Gombrowicz Young Writers' Competition. It also won the Young Cultural Foundations prize, one of whose jurors, the poet Bohdan Zadura, said of it: "A collection of muted, unpretentious poems, unobtrusively meditative and moderately narrative, telling an honest story. Here we find sensitivity and an original use of metaphor, authenticity and subtlety. Death, which is there in the background, merely underlines the beauty of the world being described."
Carmien Michels (Belgium) is a Belgian writer and performer that dances between pen and podium, between the urban and the classic. She holds a master's degree in Drama (Media, Writing and Performance Art) at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp. For her graduation project, she wrote her debut novel We zijn water (We Are Water, 2013). She later published her second novel Vraag het aan de bliksem (Lightning Never Lies, 2015) and poetic debut We komen van ver (From Where We Came, 2017). She graces scores of international stages, organizes events and collaborates with artists of all disciplines. She is a guest lecturer at several schools of arts and one of the young authors selected for the European talent development project CELA: Connecting Emerging Literary Artists. |
Camilla Nelson (Great Britain) is a language artist. Her work explores intersections between sound and movement, written and spoken word, human and other-than human organisms through page-based poetry, installation and performance. Her movement language piece, Reading Movement, was long-listed for The Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women Performance Writers in 2016. Her first full poetry collection, Apples & Other Languages (Knives Forks and Spoons) was long-listed for the Melita Hume Poetry Prize in 2015 and her second collection, A Yarn Er Narrative, is forthcoming from Contraband Books. Camilla is founding editor of Singing Apple Press, a small independent press that produces hand-crafted, limited edition poem-prints, books and other objects. She has a PhD in Performance Writing. |
Agda Bavi Pain (Slovakia) is a poet, writer, screenwriter and a frontman of the banned music band Liter Gena. Under several artistic names and brands, Pain has published works in the press, radio and television in Slovakia and abroad. Apart from literature, he also writes for television, film and theatre. His acclaimed provocative debut poetry book Skin & Bone (Kosť & Koža, 2002) was labelled as satanic while his first novel debut, gory gangster novel The End Of The World (Koniec sveta, 2006) was awarded with the prestigious Big Prize for Literature from Eastern Europe Bank Austria Literaris 2008. The novel was translated into German and made into a successful film. His latest book of poems Pästiarsky list (Fist List) was published in 2017.
Noam Partom (Izrael), born in Tel Aviv, is a poet, performance artist and creative writing teacher in Tel-Aviv University, Middlebury college in Vermont, and other institutions in Israel and abroad. She won the Culture Ministry Award for Emerging Poets 2015 and The Ramat-Gan Literature Award 2014 for her poetry debut, Setting the Water on Fire (2012). Her second book of poetry titled Togetherness was published in the winter of 2018. Partom is one of the pioneers of the Spoken-Word genre in Israel. She launched an online video poetry project Poetube, which gained 300,000 views and much public attention and acclaim, and she is also touring Israel with a show based on her poetry with musician Yonatan Cnaan. |
Martin Poch (Czech Republic), based in Prague, holds a degree in Aesthetics and Comparative Literature from the Charles University in Prague and works as a creator an manager of eLearning courses. He initially began publishing his poetry on literary websites and later in magazines in the likes of A2, Tvar or Weles. He occasionally publishes essays and reviews in the magazines Host and Souvislosti. In the summers between 2009 and 2017, he gradually published his poetry tetralogy Běhařovská lhářka (2009) - Jindřich Jerusalem (2013) - Cesta k lidem (2015) - Městys (2017). In 2014 he was nominated for the Jiří Orten Prize. |
Alexandru Potcoavă (Romania), born in Timisoara, Romania, is a poet and prosaist. He holds a degree in Romanian and English Linguistics and Literature. While he worked as a journalist for some years, he currently works in a bookstore. He has published books of short stories, a novel and two books of poetry: Alexandru Potcoava And Bianca Sat In Alex (2001) and One Day We Won't Recognize Each Other Anymore (2016). His creations have also been included in several anthologies and literary magazines in Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Italy and Israel. He was a guest of the 8th edition of Kikinda Short Story Festival and of the 2nd edition of FILTM – the International Literary Festival from Timișoara. |
Luke Roberts (Great Britain) grew up in the North of Wales and the North of England. He is the author of several books and chapbooks, including False Flags (2011); Left Helicon (2014); Keep All Your Friends (2014) and Pocket Song (2016). His long poem 'To My Contemporaries' was published in Chicago Review in 2017. He is the editor of Barry MacSweeney's Desire Lines: Unselected Poems, 1966-2000 (2018), author of the academic study Barry MacSweeney and the Politics of Post-War British Poetry (2017) and his essays have been published in several acclaimed journals. In 2009 he was awarded the Harper-Wood Studentship for Poetry at St John's College, University of Cambridge. Since 2016 he has worked at King's College London as Lecturer in Modern Poetry. |
Kathrin Schmidt (Germany) was born in Goth in the German Thuringia. She has a degree in psychology and initially worked as a child psychologist in several clinics, but in 1990 she became an editor of the women's magazine YPSILON. She's been a freelance poet since 1994, and yet in 1998 she published her first novel Die Gunnar-Lennefsen-Expedition (The Gunnar-Lennefsen Expedition), which was later translated into several languages. So far, she has published seven books of poetry, five novels and several collections of short proses or essays. Her most recent book, a poetry collection titled waschplatz der kühlen dinge was published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch Köln in march 2018. Kathrin Schmidt holds several literary awards. She is married and has 5 children. She lives and works in Berlin. |
Silva Hannah (Great Britain) is an award-winning British poet, performer and sound artist who uses technology, verbal fractures, sound poetry and gesture creating sonic explorations of meaning and sense. Silva's words and word-particles spark ideas and ignite feelings as she subverts and erodes assumptions, taboos and the languages of power. Her latest performance Schlock! splices Fifty Shades of Grey with a novel by Kathy Acker, celebrating 'the slipperiness of words, reinventing them so that none of them are safe' (The Guardian). Total Man was shortlisted for the Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry. Her poetry collection Forms of Protest (Penned in the Margins) was Highly Commended in the Forward Prizes. Her debut record Talk in a bit is released with Humankind Records.
Endré Szkárosi (Hungary) is a sound and performance artist. He teaches literature and cultural history at ELTE University, Budapest. He began his career as a poet and inter-media artist in the early 1970s, engaging in work in experimental theatre and in writing criticism as well as literary pieces. He has been a frequently encountered writer and performer on both the Hungarian and international art scene with his sound poetry and musical pieces, poetic installations, pieces of visual poetry, video works and performances. As a scholar of art history, he is mainly interested in the history and the theoretical background of 20th century experimental poetry and inter-media art. |
Kinga Tóth (Hungary), writes and publishes short stories, poems and drama pieces in Hungarian, German and English languages. She is a musician, extensive vocalist, visual and sound-poet, and presents her work in international performances, exhibitions and installations. She is also a philologist and teacher and has worked as a journalist, copy editor of art magazines and cultural program organizer. Tóth's international publications include collections of poetry Party (2013), All Machine (2014), Village 0-24 (2016), Wir bauen eine Stadt (2016) and a visual-art catalogue Textbilder (2016-2017). Her novel, The Moonlight Faces (2017) won the Hazai Attila and the best novel special prices in Hungary. Her work has been published internationally in many magazines and journals.
Kieslowski (CZ)
Pospiš/Sillay/Nikitin (SK)

To the beginning
Lucia Hurajová
lives in Bratislava. She regularly performs in various theaters in Bratislava (City Theater of Pavol Orságh Hviezdoslav, Divadlo v Podpalubí). She is a member of Túlavé divadlo ensemble (Wandering Theater), a coordinator of international Francophonic project Karavána desiatich slov/Caravane des dix mots. She holds a doctoral degree in theater studies.
Marek Majeský
Graduate from the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Department of Acting. Slovak actor in theatre, film, television and radio; voice actor.
Premiered and starred in over 70 stage productions. He was a resident actor in theatres in Trnava, Nitra, Košice and Bratislava; since 2008 he has been a freelance artist. He guest-starred in theatres all around Slovakia. The most recent premiere: the Trnava theatre – leading role in "The Great Gatsby." TV: various productions and shows, Films: "Bathory", "Candidate", Since 2011: A pedagogue at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava.
Ivan Šándor
After graduating from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, he worked in the Ján Palárik Threatre in Trnava and later in the Nová Scéna Theatre in Bratislava. He currently works as a freelancer and a guest actor in the Arena Theatre in Bratislava. He is a voice actor, he works in the radio and stars in various television series.
Another information

Ars Poetica – European Poetry Forum 2018
Program of lectures, workshops and creative contributions
Monday / November 12 / 11 am
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Department of English Studies and Translatology, Štefánikova 67, Nitra
Rod Mengham: Country as an Experimental Dictionary
Tuesday / November 13 / 2 pm
Courtyard of the Lizst Pavillon, University Library in Bratislva, Klariská 1
Rod Mengham: Urban Objects as Signs of Poetry
Wednesday / November 14 / 11 am
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Department of English Studies and Translatology, Štefánikova 67, Nitra
Camilla Nelson: An Introduction to Concrete Poetry
Wednesday / November 14 / 5-7 pm
V-Klub, Námestie SNP 12, Bratislava
Camilla Nelson: Multisensory/Multimedia
A creative and informatie workshop by the prominent British artist
Thursday / November 15 / 2.20-4 pm
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Gondova 2, Bratislava, room no. G240
Risto Ahti: Creativity and Poetry on the Academic Soil
Friday / November 16 / 1-4 pm
V-Klub, Námestie SNP 12, Bratislava
Roberta Štěpánková: Poetry from the Body
A creative workshop featuring dance and poetry
Friday / November 16 / 2-5 pm
Courtyard of the Lizst Pavillon, University Library in Bratislva, Klariská 1
Kinga Tóth, Endre Szkárosi: Experiment in Contemporary Hungarian Poetry
Luke Roberts: Schools of Poetry and Dominant Trends in Contemporary Britain
Olivier Brossard: Relations between 20th Century American and French Poetry
Hannah Silva: Performance as a Political Act
Tomomi Adachi: Sound or Prehistoric Word?
Saturday / November 17 / 2-5 pm
Courtyard of the Lizst Pavillon, University Library in Bratislva, Klariská 1
Zoe Skoulding: Earspoetica: On Listening/Poetry, Perception and Science
Carmien Michels: Word as a Medium of Performance
Noam Partom: Words Transformed into Music
Enjoy the atmosphere of the
16th International Poetry Festival Ars Poetica
Teaser/TV spot
Upútavka Ars Poetica 2018
Umelecký koncept: Dorota Sadovská
Tvorba spotu: Zden Hlinka
Postprodukcia a zvuk: Martin Merc, K2 zvuk
VO: Lucia Hurajová
Major Partners
Municipality of Bratislava
Slovak National Theatre
Fund for Supporting Arts
Flanders State of the Art
Třinecké železárny – Moravia Steel
Major Media Partner
Radio and Television of Sovakia
Media Partners
The Slovak Spectator
The Daily Pravda
University Library in Bratislava
Embassy of India in Slovak Republic
Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava
Slovak National Gallery
Lumière Cinemas
Bratislava Tourist Board
The Mayor of the City of Bratislava,
Mr. Ivo Nesrovnal, has taken the auspices over the Ars Poetica 2018 Poetry Festival.
The Versopolis events are supported by Creative Europe Programme of the EU.
Festival team