all artists of Ars Poetica 2023

Carmen Camacho
In a few days, her tenth book, La mujer de enfrente /The Woman Across the Street/ (Maclein and Parker, 2023), will be published in collaboration with visual artist Pepe Benavente. Her books of poetry and aphorisms include Deslengua /DesLanguage/ (Libros de la herida, 2020), Campo de fuerza /The Action of Forces/ (Delirio, 2012), Zona franca /Duty-free zone/ (Cuadernos del Vigía, 2016), Vuelo doméstico /Domestic Flight/ (El Gaviero, 2014), and Minimás /A Little More/ (Baile del Sol, 2009), among others. She is one of the authors represented by Versopolis, an international network dedicated to promoting poetic talent in Europe. In the field of literary publishing, she is responsible for publications such as Fuegos de Palabras /FireWords/ (Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2018), a reference anthology of contemporary Spanish aphorism, among others.
She is the author of many of the lyrics on Tercer Cielo /Third Heaven/ (Universal, 2022), an album by Rocío Márquez and Bronquio, considered one of the best Spanish albums of 2022. Her poems can also be heard in recent works by flamenco artists Romeromartín, Ángeles Toledano, Juan Murube, and others.
She is a regular collumnist of leading newspapers in Spain and Andalusia, such as, Diario de Sevilla, Diario de Cádiz, Diario de Jerez, Europa Sur, Huelva Información. In the Andalusian public radio Canal Sur, she runs a column dedicated to the poetic transformation of words. She has curated and advised for exhibitions and festivals of poetry and contemporary art, such as De mil amores /Of thousand loves/ (Orgullo Sevilla), Poemargen /Poemargin/ (Salamanca) and PAN. Poesía y arte contemporáneo en el medio rural / PAN. Poetry and contemporary art in rural áreas/ (Morille, Salamanca). Her work has been awarded prizes such as José Luis Tobalina 2022, Premio AdA de Aforismos 2018, Premio Iberoamericano Fernando Quiñones, La Voz + Joven or Premio LILEC de Slam Poetry, among others. In 2020, her hometown of Alcaudete honored her artistic and cultural career with the 8M Award. She is a member of the editorial board of the poetry magazine Nayagua. She also currently leads several literary workshops at Espacio Cultural Colombre and Fundación Centro de Poesía José Hierro.
She lives in Seville, at her own pace.