all artists of Ars Poetica 2024

Peter Sragher
Peter Sragher (1960) is a Romanian poet, Germanist and translator from Bucharest, where he studied German and English at university. He is the president of the Bucharest branch of the literary translation branch of the Romanian Writers' Union and a member of the Austrian organisation Grazer autoren- und autorinnenversammlung. He has published the poetry collections de ce m-ai făcut sărutul urii (Why did you create me as a kiss of hate, 1995); vitrína (Showcase, a performance by Peter Sragher and Saviana Stănescu in six languages, 1999); să facem un copil (Let's conceive a child, 2003); de ce m-ai făcut doamne / por qué me hiciste Dios (Why did you, God, create me at all, bilingual collection in Romanian and Spanish, 2005); ascultă tăcerea vorbind / hear silence speaking (published in the UK, 2012); dimineața sărută genunchiul athenei (morning kisses the knee of Athens, 2012); You Are the Dragon (Chinese-English publication, Beijing, 2019); acropolis urcarea (climbing the acropolis, Athens, 2019); poemele dunării / Danube poems, (in Romanian and English, Timișoara, 2020); Je me lave de la nuit (I wash with the night, Paris, 2023). He has also published a prose book: Cartea lui David (The Book of David, Timișoara, 2017).
He has translated contemporary Austrian poets such as Bernhard Widder, Ernst David, Gerhard Kofler, Bruno Weinhals and Christian He runs a journal on literary translation (see: and organises meetings on literary translation. Fitralit has also published poetry collections by Czech author Miroslav Sosoi and Slovak author Martina Straková.
In addition to artistic translation and writing poetry, he is also a photographer, and all published photographs of roses are from the author's garden.